[Bordermarch] Demo Opportunity???

Germanicus de Atlan ldgermanicus at hotmail.com
Sun Feb 25 17:18:17 PST 2007

For those of you who haven't heard, the movie "300" starts two weeks from 
now on March 9th, about the 300 Spartans and the legendary death-stand at 
Thermopylae.  This would be a GREAT demo opportunity if that's still allowed 
these days.  Years ago, I remember us doing a couple for "Excalibur" and the 
2nd Conan movie, then afterwards going to see the movie at the later feature 
in costume, still "buzzed" from the fighting.  We got a LOT of attention and 
everyone had a grand time.

The website link is at http://300themovie.warnerbros.com/ and has LOTS of 
movie trailers and "Making of..." video clips to check out.  For all heavy 
fighters, be sure to see the Spartan Training video...any volunteers?!

Someone please let me know if anything is planned,


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