[Bordermarch] Correspondence about the Process

Tessa tessa at gt.rr.com
Wed Mar 7 17:14:23 PST 2007

Thank you to Their Majesties Romanius and Deanna for considering the words of your subjects in this medieval worlde.  The populace realizes that the Crown's word is not lightly given, and might have been given with-out even asking the opinions of your people in the modern day format, for a medieval game.

To echo other messages, thank you to each one who participated in the Timeline and Polling process and rendered your observations in letters of commentary about all the applicants, as the Crown had requested.  Most especially, thank you to the three pairs of applicants who each were willing to be so open.  All your support for the barony through each other for the good of the whole left the rest of the populace inspired, I believe.

Sixty four persons were present in person to render their written ballots that the Crown might consider.
As always, if anyone has further questions about the process or how the decision is arrived upon, please contact the Kingdom Seneschal, HG Duchess Julia.

(BTW, I am being asked about receiving a particular piece of correspondence that may have been multiple mailed from a person remarking about how the Crown's decision was made.
  If that sender will,  please, check your "sent to" address used for my personal email or the seneschal office email, 
wherever you think you sent it, if you wanted me to receive it,
to please make sure that you have a correct current address, because no email letters of a nature about the Crown's results have come to me directly from a populace member.
Your message might be lost somewhere in the atmosphere.  I would hope your message-server would indicate it returned as undeliverable.) 

What ever you are asking could be clarified by the Kingdom Seneschal.

Peace and Grace to each and all as many are packing and planning caravans to Gulf War 16.  It is known of several who can not go, that you are "sending" goods or gear or words, etc.  In this way, Ansteorra stands strong at war.
God save the King!  God save the Queen!  God Save Ansteorra!


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