[Bordermarch] Bordermarch Announcement

kandace harris thetexladi at sbcglobal.net
Sun Nov 4 19:08:54 PST 2007

To The Baron and Baroness and Unto Bordermarch ,
   What ever service I can be, please except my offer to help. 
  Lady Kandyce

David Lathrop <dblathrop at yahoo.com> wrote:
  Populace of Bordermarch, Friends Far & Wide,

Due to unforeseen circumstances Crown Tourney must be re-fought. Their Majesties have asked us to host this Kingdom event on Sunday, November 19th during Bordermarch Autumn Melees. This means many more will attend & Sunday will be another full day. 

HE Elisabeth and I are asking you, our family & friends to come help be of service as we make this years event memorable for all who attend.

Please be available for service in all areas of need & represent your Barony well.

It is with proud hearts that we are,

Your Baron & Baroness of Bordermarch

Bordermarch mailing list
Bordermarch at lists.ansteorra.org

                  It's nice to be Important ...But....It's more important to be nice...Ldy, Kandyce of Oakclyffe 
  You see, in the final Analysis,...
  It was never between you and them...
                                      It's between You and God...                                   

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