[Bordermarch] 12th Night / *Off Calendar*

tessa tessa at gt.rr.com
Wed Nov 21 07:16:27 PST 2007

Good Greetings,
Thank you to Lady Angelica and Lord Maurice, volunteering to coordinate 12th 
Night at Bordermarch,
and to dearest Baroness Valencia for planning the invitations.
 :)   :)

I have checked with the Coastal Regional Seneschal, gracious Lady Brenna,
to be certain how to proceed with 12th Night 2008 discussion and planning 
Saturday, January 5, 2008.

Seems to be another great opportunity for teaching anyone else who is 
in these matters for future reference.

12th Night 2008 may be an *OFF calendar* occurrence.
12th Night may be advertised on list and in the newsletter as *off 
That means 12th Night does not consume one (1) of the limited number of 
Calendar Events
which the barony may host per year (including Autumn Melees PED or Spring 
Baronial Champion).

When we start to prepare "gate," let's please have the "3-ring notebook" and 
some blank waivers
readily available.
For participants who might not have a BLUE CARD in hand,
12th Night needs to use WAIVERS at gate for insurance purposes -because of 
the fighting- ,
and then those WAIVERS will be sent to the Kingdom Waiver Secretary;
...however, the Non-Membership-Surcharge [NMS] is *NOT REQUIRED*
because a set gate *fee* is not required.
Baronial monies *may be* budgeted for expenditures.
Donations will be welcome.

I hope this discussion is informative to anyone who wanting to learn about 
waivers, off-calendar events,
or tasks related to gate coordination or delegation.
This is not really an after-thought, but is another chance to thank the Gate 
Coordinator and working crews
who served several hours each for Melees/Crown Tny gate.
While 12th Night will be a one-day gate shift,  2007 Melees/Crown Tourney 
gate was over several days !
I wish to again commend Lady Padraigin for her devotion to the coordination 
for gate shifts,
for her consistent checking on gate happenings, for her determination that 
to serve the event well,
and for her outlook as to it all being a privilege to serve the Kingdom.

Hoping everyone who expended themselves last week is now catching up on 
Seneschal, Bordermarch
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Angel Billiot" <billiotkwhs at hotmail.com>
To: "Barony Bordermarch" <bordermarch at lists.ansteorra.org>
Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2007 10:59 AM
Subject: Re: [Bordermarch] 12th Night

Hey Elijah and Bordermarch family,
 Yes there are plans in the works for 12th night. Lord Maurice the Orphan 
and I are the ones doing them. I will be posting what is needed and what 
help is needed probly after Thanksgiving. If anyone has anything they would 
like to offer or help to offer, I am greatful and please let myself or 
Maurice know we are always (by phone) avalib. I know my wounderful mother 
Baroness Valencia is going to do the invites and I am working on some 
details. If I am wrong someone please correct me, but I think the date is 

Lady Anhelica Catolina de Granada

To: bordermarch at lists.ansteorra.org
Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2007 02:16:21 -0500
From: rebelk418 at aol.com>
Subject: [Bordermarch] 12th Night
> Hello Bordermarch,
> I am wondering if there are any plans for 12th night coming on I believe 
> on January 7th.
>  Sincerely, Elijah

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