[Bordermarch] Asking for your help!

QuevedoDiegoD at aol.com QuevedoDiegoD at aol.com
Fri Nov 23 10:15:08 PST 2007

Thanks to Ld. Germanicus for his efforts. 
Since I have been active with Bordermarch for nearly 18 months.  I have see a 
lot of wonderful things in our people. But I have also seen  a few things I 
think would really help many of the new people coming in to  become acclimated 
to our way to doing things. 
One, first and foremost would be to make it easier to get help  with Garb. 
Many of us have had to resort to spending large sums of money trying  to locate 
Garb from merchants near and abroad. While I have been blessed to be  able to 
travel and have access to the internet (Ebay). Many of our newest  members 
lives would be much easier if they had access to the assistance needed  to obtain 
or even build their own garbs at a fraction of the cost. I personally  have 
bought material and even solicited others to help me get Garb made and alas  it 
has just not come through. This could deter many from their desire to stay  
and become a vital part of our Growing Barony. With the many wonderful things  
that are now scheduled to happen this next year, we must band together and get 
 our own house in order if we hope to successfully Host such Grand Events. 
Second, All Bordermarch members that have carried our  wonderful Barony in 
the past need to step up and either fulfill the duties of  the post or offices 
they now hold or please pass these on to others who have the  time and energy 
to do so. If we hope to have even an inkling of a chance to pull  off Hosting 
Autumn Melees next year, we will ALL have to begin organizing and  arranging 
things now and stick with it as much as possible. We must pull  together as any 
Strong Family would, and it will take the efforts of Every  available 
Bordermarcher to make this a success. 
I have seen Wonderful things since my arrival, and I have met  Wonderful 
People that I have grown to Love as I do my own Family. I am off to  site again 
today to finish wrapping things up from Melees, such as taking down  our Banners 
so we can use them next year and finish picking up trash and wet  carpets 
left behind. There are many new and Wonderful Opportunities available to  us at 
our site, but it will take the hands of many to make them happen. Please  help 
if you can!
Lord Diego de Quevedo
Chirurgeon of Bordermarch and the Coastal Region. 
(832) 236-8976 cell
(409) 769-3429 home

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