[Bordermarch] Populace Meeting

David Lathrop dblathrop at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 25 21:17:14 PDT 2007

Barony Bordermarch
  October 25, 2007
  Populace Agenda
              HE Santiago & HE Elisabeth
              Thank you to so many for so much.
              Prayers for TE Caitrin and AmberLea's quick recovery
  Officer Reports:
  Seneschal                   Treasure 
              A&S                           MOC
              Hospitaler                   Heralds                       
              Rapier Marshal         Chivalric Marshal
              Chronicler                  Archery Marshal
              Scribe                          Chirurgeon
  Old Business: 
                          Letters of intent for Baronial Stewards due by Melees
  New Business:
  Deputy to the Seneschal
                          Deputy to the A&S
  Events New & Old:
                          Nov. 10th Demo for Girls Haven Chili Cook Off at 11 am 
                         across from Crockett Street in Bmt on the lawn of "Entergy"
                          Three Kings in Tyler Texas, First Weekend in Nov.
              Baronials ‘08: L. Nikolai’s Brass token with the Ansteorra Star
  Melees 2007:
  Stewards Robert Gobel, Ron Bently & Scott Steele
              Volunteers  Please         
              Bordermarch Work Day  
              Saturday (10/27) beginning at 7 am

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