[Bordermarch] Checking Up

ragseg at aol.com ragseg at aol.com
Tue Jan 1 08:23:13 PST 2008

Your kidding about cooking turkey's right?? These are precooked from the store right?? 

After trying to kill off your husband and children (which you seem to be unsuccessful so far, thank god) you are now turning your sights on the unsuspecting subjects of the barony!? Does your evil know no bounds?? It was Henry the eight who killed his wives not the other way around.

So in closing, please step away from the rat poison and learn to love people as I have done.

Yours truly,

Adolf the Bear

-----Original Message-----
From: David Lathrop <dblathrop at yahoo.com>
To: Bordermarch <bordermarch at lists.ansteorra.org>
Sent: Sun, 30 Dec 2007 1:09 pm
Subject: [Bordermarch] Checking Up

Good Day One and All,
  Yes this is your Baron and Baroness and no we have not fallen off the face of 
the earth.  All though Christmas is here and gone it was certainly an eventful 
one for us.  Santiago and all five of his children ended up with a terrible 
stomach bug that foiled the day.  I surely thought Santiago was a goner there 
for awhile.  For all of you who want to THINK it was my cooking and make a 
joke(Adolf!!!!!) it was not as the other three of us who were here never got it 
yet we all ate the same thing...so there!!!  Santiago and all others are now 
fine, whew it was a rough one!
  We hope all of you had a wonderful holiday and please stay safe for New Years.  
We look forward to seeing you all at 12th Night and spending time with each of 
you. Remember to make your Christmas decoration for the Baronial Tree and your 
masque for the contest as well as bringing a dish to share.  
  Santiago and I look forward to an exciting and rewarding new year for each of 
you.  You are true friends and a blessing in our life.
  God's Grace,
  Elisabeth and Santiago
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