[Bordermarch] Inviting one and all to "The Music Man"

tessa tessa at gt.rr.com
Thu Jul 31 09:23:55 PDT 2008

I must say, "Music Man" was out of sight. 
AmberLea was in just the perfect part as the Irish mama; 
Krista has fantastic stage presence with those facial expessions of hers; 
Jalinda's dancing as a Greek urn was, I thought, the funniest thing in the show, and 
her bizz-buzz in the crowd scenes made you believe; 
Little Jeff's and Ian's quartet took the stage by storm; we knew Jeff was musically talented, 
but do not recall his expert singing before... usually playing the bagpipes, etc.
Sam's son Dave was even in the backstage set crew!  
The little boy who played Marian the Librarian's baby brother absolutely "stole the show!"
Not to mention The Music Man himself had quite a workout with his songs and dances, and the stage band made it all happen!
Way to go, familiy!

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