[Bordermarch] Gulf War & Your B&B

David Lathrop dblathrop at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 7 07:45:25 PST 2008

Just a reminder.....HE Santiago will be attending Gulf Wars with many of our populace while I remain here to keep the candles burning.  Sat March 15th will be OUR day to have a Pity Party here at our house starting at approximetly 11 am.  Bring your art, craft, sewing project or practice gear and we'll get together to share ideas, help each other out or share our talents. I will have plenty of space to spread out and work together on several projects.  Please bring a covered dish to share and I will have all the extras. 
  And remember I'm here if you need me just call......373-4259 or 673-0897.
  God's Grace,
  HE Elisabeth

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