[Bordermarch] Lady Robin....what a lady indeed...

Germanicus de Atlan ldgermanicus at hotmail.com
Sun May 18 07:52:42 PDT 2008

Many years have passed since I last had the great pleasure, and honor!, of sharing a tale or two with Lady Robin.  For those unfortunate enough to have known her, she rode from the northwest to Texas on a MOTORCYCLE when she was young and single, to take work at the refineries.  She knew Ravi Shankar, had a snow leopard pelt in her library that she shot during her travels to protect a village from it's natural hunting instincts, an Arabic "jambiya" dagger she purchased for a few dollars from a pilgrim on the road to Mecca, sailed with Captain Mike Burke of Windjammer cruises as his sailmaker on shakedown cruises for ships like the Fantome later lost at sea in a storm and so much more.  She lived more than any 50 men and women do in their lifetimes....sleep well my friend.
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