[Bordermarch] Janet of House Morningstar, R. I. P.

tessa tessa at gt.rr.com
Thu May 22 17:10:53 PDT 2008

The death message is shattering.
We both are driven to our knees.
Mistress Janet' and Master Telbryne were among our earliest friends, always
educating and sharing.
There was never a time we reunioned that she did not have much to impart. 
Our actual first tournament event to attend "in" Ansteorra (after having 
traveled to Memphis, TN for our first fighting event ever, 1976), was 
Telbryne and Janet's wedding, at a beach home in Coastal, before it was
"called" Coastal. They were jovial and welcoming to us newbies. The four of 
us became lasting
friends and made many journies together.

Numerous threads in the tapestries of our SCA experiences are woven with
Janet's and Telbryne's who together personally assisted Bordermarch as a
developing shire by often attending and supporting events in Bordermarch,
sharing knowledge.

The first time Ansteorrans went to war clothed in gold war tabards with the
black star design, Janet 'made many of those tabards along with Nerak and 
Mellusine for 1979 Burrow Creek War in Arizona. Janet' and Telbryne were two
among the ten Ansteorran warriors dressed out in those fine bright,
intimidating gold war tabards.
Also, her leather-working skills were freely shared. She worked designs into
a little belt for our firstborn son Kyrkwood when he was a toddler.
Over the  years, Janet' shared much about garment history. Only two weekends 
ago I purchased two more garb booklets from her wares while we visited at 

Janet' was instrumental in earliest equestrian endeavors, being one of the
first few females to participate in those activities at events, and it is no
small surprise that on even this dawn, the day of her passing some 12 or so
hours ago now, she is the current Equestrian Champion of the Loch.

Our deep condolences are extended to her dearest family and friends,
With love,
Tessa & Simonn

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