[Bordermarch] Outrage

nomistk at bordermarch.org nomistk at bordermarch.org
Sun Nov 9 20:08:57 PST 2008

   Where is the outrage.  The gnashing of teeth.  The gathering of arms.
   The forming of units, the calls to defend and the stalwort replys?

   I have long been on the road and reporting the divious and underhanded
   deeds our neighbors have been up to but nobody seems to take heed.  I
   know that I am old and on in my years but this is a real concern!

   I have just learned of an attack on the fine man known as the
   leatherman.  reports to me indicate that he suffered an axe blow to
   his head.  Little did his assailent know that this was the most
   heavily armoured part of his person(due to his thick and large
   cranium).  The leatherman suffered a severe cut to his head but is
   expected to survive.  such is the luck.....i mean oh how lucky we
   are.  my concern is where is the alarm, outrage and call to action
   against such attacks?  The silence would leave me to believe that
   there is a conspiracy afoot. One can only suspect the one armed
   gardener and her acomnplices such as the brewer, swordsman and others.

   We are under threat of iminent siege and nobody seems to care!  While
   the goat lovers seem to be massing an army on our borders there does
   not seem to be any concern on our part.  People, whilst I care deeply
   for my livestock I do not plan on worshipping my goat as our neighbors
   do!  Goats are for eating!  I think that the silence of the one eyed
   girl seems a little suspicious at this critical time.  Has anyone
   checked to see that she did not go feral on us again?  Could she have
   been an enemy plant?  Could the one armed gardener and others fallen
   under her spell and become double agents????  My head hurts at the
   possibilities and possible answers to my questions...must sleep...
   take a nap....not sleeping just closing my eyes.... hope this finds
   its way into the right hands....


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