[Bordermarch] From HE Elisabeth

David Lathrop dblathrop at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 31 17:49:57 PDT 2008

To All Our Friends and Family,

May I first say I hope this finds you all well and safe and looking toward the future.  It was another strong storm but again will not get Bordermarch down! 

It has been a long couple of months being without communication and the ability to address you all.  I hear tell His Excellency has been up to some good and no good while away and Nomis our "trusty?" spy is right beside him.

As for us we had tree damage to our keep that required the power of 3000 horses to remove.  All our courier pigeons were either crushed, lost in the storm or flew to our spy who as you know ate them. Needless to say I have been out of the loop and unable to keep watch.  In the meantime  His Excellency has been wondering the grounds mumbling words of war for weeks and looking for those darn yellow gloves.  I am gravely concerned as he knows not what he speaks.  I fear also that Nomis is not our spy but that of the goat lovers and has spent yeah these many years befriending us all.  He is now attempting to twist the words that come from the mouth of my Lord and turn his beautiful Lady against us as well.  Let me assure you Nomis, he was not calling your lady a donkey just making a remark about her fine figure.  Your worries are unfounded. His Excellency will prevail and be one with His people come Melees.  The truth will be revealed and ah
 may I save the castrating for the finale be it Ram, goat lover or spy!

In Service to Ansteorra, My Lord and My People.

I Remain,
HE Elisabeth de Mont Vert
Baroness Of Bordermarch

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