[Bordermarch] Thanks to those who helped us through the Hurricane.

Lady Libby sca.libby at gmail.com
Sun Sep 21 11:38:32 PDT 2008

Libby here, just wanting to send a Thank-you to all those wonderful people,
who, helped us through the Hurricane!!!! Thanks to Tessa and Zane for
bringing us ice, water and the tarps (so desperately needed) to cover the
roof over Tim's room, just when we needed it. And without being asked!!!!!!
To Simonn and Tessa, Therersa and Diego for all coming by our house to check
on the condition. And to Simonn for coming by again, and letting us know
that power had been restored!!!! Thanks to Diego, for letting us us camp out
in his RV up at site!!!! And thanks for letting us ride out the worst of the
storm in the house with you and friends!!!! If we had to evacuate, the
Castle was a Great place to be during, and after the storm!! And Thanks to
all those wonderful people who kept in touch with us, with updates
throughout this whole ordeal!! Thanks Simonn, Tessa and Zane!!!!!. Thanks
Scot and Dena Steele!!!!! Thanks Theresa!!!!! Thanks to all!!! Our Prayers
Go Out TO All Those Impacted by this Hurricane!!!!!!!!! God Bless You All
!!!!!!     Your friends in service to the dream, Lady Libby and family

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