[Bordermarch] In Ike's wake, Tessa checking in

Cindi Picou cdpicou at sbcglobal.net
Tue Sep 16 16:37:40 PDT 2008

Just an fyi, anyone who can pick up Beaumont radio stations 95.1, 106.1, KLVI 560 AM, or 104.5 can get continuous news from the dj's of all those stations who are broadcasting in tandem with call-in's from people in the area as well as news & press releases from local officials. You can also go to KLVI.com and see the latest photos and read the latest updates. KLVI.com is also streaming their broadcasts live on the internet. 

Antoine, Christal and I are all fine; we weathered the storm great at home. We have a generator, but the sewer system was about to fail, so we left yesterday for Austin to stay with a cousin. Angelique de Granada (Angel/Kendra) and the baby Elvin are with us. We'll be back when the power comes back on!

Selina Designs
Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world 
Albert Einstein

----- Original Message ----
From: Ron Bentley <whitewolf at sabinenet.com>
To: bordermarch at lists.ansteorra.org
Sent: Monday, September 15, 2008 5:26:49 PM
Subject: [Bordermarch] In Ike's wake, Tessa checking in


Tessa here; checking in on a borrowed computer account just North of Jasper after evacuating once Hurricane Ike passed through.  If you can read this, I presume you have more electricity and access to news sources than we do currently.  If you have any informed updates on any of the following, please let us know.  Some phones are working even where there is no internet access so please try to contact others in the parchment pages and Black Star listings.

The Atenveldt contact for disaster relief contacted me before the storm.  This person is Countess Sir Trudie Lacklandia's squire and very much interested in offering their organized aid as it may be needed by Ansteorra or others.  If you are in touch with other Ansteorrans who may need aid, please inform us because the Ansteorran web minister asked us to help serve as contact point.  If you know have further updates or know of anyone needing aid, contact us.  Everyone wants to get through this as quickly and painlessly as possible; the more information shared, the better we can all assist one another. 

We are concerned for SCA family in the Golden Triangle area as well as to our west in the Houston area; we are holding our best thoughts for you. If you have an update regarding highway travel, please share with everyone as you may be able.

In Bordermarch:  

Santiago and Elisabeth are on a generator now. A magnolia tree damaged part of their new construction; other trees are down. 

Theresa and Ken's home withstood the storm, in fact Nancy from south county evacuated to Theresa's home.  

Friends East/Ramey empty house across from Wuthering Heights looks far better than Wuthering Heights Park where lots of trees cracked and split across the park. The house was OK from what we saw however the back porch out of the laundry room was exposed.  The main house did not appear exposed/open. Back yard limbs are down; nothing seems to have hit the roof from what we saw.

Cataline told us she dug in away from home, which was a good decision considering the resulting damage to Bridge City.

Adolf and family are physically alright and on a generator, needing gasoline, last we heard.

Armand and Caitrin  weathered the storm in a friend's home near Target center. At their old house, roof leaks and windows are out.

Jeffery Barbarian is OK.

Ericus sent messages that his family and SCA family household are fine;  he has no news of Arumin's well being or presence, but presumed that she was well taken care of by her sons and daughter.

Wesly is on call, I believe.  

Wembletons evac'd to College Station.

Phocas was able to post, considering his recennt relocation "to" Baytown. 

Our house was not damaged but a few fence boards in two places were broken by falling limbs.  Damage is _minimal_ in comparrison to Rita. Fallen limbs in the yard can be cleaned up in one or two days.  The Beaumont city sewer system was quickly overloaded by Ike and our generator had electrical problems but the motor worked fine. While we had supplies ready but no power, the news that it may be days or weeks before electricity is restored meant we elected to exit the city.  On our way out late Saturday afternoon, we heard on the radio that Beaumont residents who stayed through Ike were given a potable water warning.  The exit road we took north showed minor branch debris in the road but nothing to prevent traffic. On the sides of the road you could see evidence of hurricane or tornado damage to homes and businesses but not nearly as much as with Rita.  Our cell phone service is on-off-on-off; we occasionally receive notice of voicemails but cannot
 connect to check them.

IF you are in need of a generator, currently there are no generators to be found at various businesses within 300 to 400 miles Gulf Coast.  IF you know a supply for quality generators, please share.  Beaumont radio issued warnings about the quality of generators that were available during Rita and for Buyers to beware; some people bought what were faulty generators during Rita.  We were told by Lowe's and Tractor Supply in several towns that generators are en route from Nebraska. Best case scenario, generators could be available in southeast Texas within a few days. Once again, if you have better information than this, please share.

We have been advised to not return to Beaumont yet. In a national news sound bite, Galveston, Orange and Beaumont were among cities listed where access was granted to only emergency personnel.  The news showed a half-mile long carvan of work crews was directed to work in Orange. Entergy claims that 90%+  of their customer base in the Gulf Coast region are without power.  They are working to restore power in damaged areas as fast as humanly possible.  I am anticipating it being *at least* a few more days before evacuees can get back to Beaumont, probably more. Last we heard on the radio, only emergency persons with proper identification were allowed back wihin city limits.  Communications may be delayed, but so far as I know, even if properties are hurt, PEOPLE are doing well in the aftermath. 

The news currently available is not local Beaumont news but rather the national news which has been focusing more on Galveston, Orange and Houston.  Beaumont news stations may still be down.  According to our limited personal observation and through limited news updates, the City of Beaumont was not nearly as badly damaged by Ike as it was by Hurricane Rita. 

Further possible use of this borrowed computer account is not certain, but I wanted to check in.
Best wishes,
Peace and Grace to each and all,
Bordermarch mailing list
Bordermarch at lists.ansteorra.org

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