[Bordermarch] Gulfwars Registration

ragseg at aol.com ragseg at aol.com
Sun Dec 20 07:01:32 PST 2009

Unto the good people of Bordermarch,

Gulfwars is fast approaching and with that come the need to preregister anybody that is planning to attend.  By preregistering and indicating on your registration form that you are camping with the Ansteorra/Bordermarch group you will be insured to have camping space reserve in the area where we always camp.

If you do not preregister there is not a guarantee that you will camp with Bordermarch, the coastal group or in the Ansteorra area.  This is due to the need to organize and allocate the limited camping space that Bordermarch is alloted.  Note this does not mean that there will not be camping space at Gulfwars if you do not preregister, just that it might not be in the Bordermarch area.

To this end I would ask that anybody planning to attend Gulfwars, even for just the week end, please preregister and indicate that you will be camping wth Bordermarch.  This will allow for the Land Stewards to reserve and plan for your camping space requirements.

Also, anybody preregistering please send me an e-mail with your name, the names of other individuals camping with you and your tent size(s).  This will allow me to communicate our land requirements to the Land Stewards as well as work out the layout of our camp pior to gulfwars arrival.

Adolf the Bear

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