[Bordermarch] Some Important News

Lathrop, Dave David.Lathrop at valero.com
Tue Jul 28 09:23:59 PDT 2009

Greetings Bordermarch,

Populace will once again take place in Gander Mountain's back room this Thursday, around 7:30pm. Everyone and their brother is invited to attend.
Officers, remember to get there early, maybe around 6:47pm or so, to participate in the officer's meeting.

This Sunday Channel 4 News is expected to show up at fighter practice. The Beaumont Enterprise also expressed interested in doing an article about our group.

Fighter practice will be at Beaumont's  Roger's Park, [the corner of Gladys Str. & Dowlen Rd], starting around 4:00pm. We'll be in garb for the news, and we're planning on doing some cooking or some kind of food thing; I'm just confused right now!
Bring your A&S stuff to show off, and any ongoing projects that you'd like folks to see.

I know our Bardic Guild will be there with an extra swine-ola or two for those who forget theirs.

Since we already celebrated Sir Simonn's shiny helm at last week's fighter practice, and had a huge turn-out to boot, I'm thinking we could celebrate Lady Padraigin's perfect attendance record during the first week of her fifth grade elementary school year.

I've recently joined "Face Book", the baby boomers new way of communication. I was scolded for not having a handsome photo of myself to go with my profile. I checked through all my stuff and could only find pictures of a fat guy with big cheeks!
I then decided to post a picture of myself and Elisabeth holding Harley, our 13-month old granddaughter. I felt that the viewers would rather focus on Elisabeth and Harley rather than me; so far it's worked!

HE Santiago

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