[Bordermarch] Escape!

nomistk at bordermarch.org nomistk at bordermarch.org
Sat May 2 09:06:02 PDT 2009


I have finnaly escaped from being held captive by the Baroness and her minions in her keep.  Long have I suffered torture and I was begining to wonder if I was to survive, but alas 
my superior constitution proved to be enough.  What forms of torture you might ask?  I was kept in the tower under lock and key and was able to listen to the conversations in the 
main hall below.  at first this was entertaining until I soon realized that the conversations from the Baroness did not seem to stop.  On and on when the talking until all I could 
hear was a loud buzzing sound.  Oh how thankful I was for sleep to over take the household and silence to reign supreame.  Unfortunatly the bliss was always short lived.

I was able to slip from my bindings and open my cell door.  As my luck would be the Baroness was talking to the cat woman and did not hear my progess.  When the cat woman did see 
me she was unable to stop me due to her sitting on a large chair which prevented her feet from touching the ground.  With this stroke of luck I was able to excape the keep and have 
gone into hiding once again.

I must take this opportunity to inform everybody that the "story" of the broken bows is an elaborate cover of a much more worring situation.  I was able to hear the Baron muttering 
about in his work shops talking to himself.  It seems that he is now collecting wood to make a great throne for himself.  AS he makes each chair he is compelled to test the chair 
for its sturdyness and alas the chair legs fail under he great expanse.  Loud is the noise that this great crash makes.  luckily he has only floundered on the floor for a little 
while.  When the baroness checks on him he proclaims the broken wood to be the remants of a strong and mighty bow.  

Would Don Ericus be so kind to assist the Baron with his wood working skills?

Until I write again

Nomis of Topaz Key

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