[Bordermarch] Floda

nomistk at bordermarch.org nomistk at bordermarch.org
Fri May 29 11:38:27 PDT 2009

Dearest Floda,

I know not of whom you are but be it known that my lineage is long and distingushed.  I have sat on many thrones in my time and have crafted some of my own hands that have stood the 
test of time.  My titles and positions of state would only awe you with my decades of service to this good barony and kingdom.  When I speak, it is as if a lion roars in the wild, 
challenging all who would be usurpers to our Barony to stand accountable.  I have paid a princely price for my service, but as a count I am far ahead of the score.  One night I may 
cross your path and be able to enlighten you as to all of my laurels.  Although I would like to eat fish with the pelicans I am forced to don my cape and tredge on with my appointed 

As to my daughter you speak of please know that this woman is just a camp follower.  I have been blessed with male hiers only.  You seem jeleous of the company I keep and my ability 
to shower them with the attention they deserve.  I have always been known as a ladies man and relish in my role.  As far as the ale and conversing with Kings you seem well connected 
and must shurly understand the need for communcating with one's peers.

Until we meet 

Nomis of Topaz Key

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