[Bordermarch] 3 Queens

David Lathrop dblathrop at yahoo.com
Sat Oct 3 20:04:09 PDT 2009

Unto Noble Bordermarch,

We have returned safely to the manse from our journey to Three Queens.
Before our pilgrimage even started there was another assassination attempt at the Bordermarch Manse!
We invited someone who from all outward appearances seemed to be a trustworthy friend; we were wrong!
A female minion of The Ripper, who's face had been altered to resemble our own Lady Padraigin, spent the night in the manse in preparation to catch an early ride to Three Queens with HE Elisabeth and I.
All was well until the sounds of a struggle in the kitchen brought me from a deep slumber.
I bolted from the bed and rushed into the kitchen just in time to witness HE Elisabeth toss some boiling pottage into the face of The Ripper's minion!
It seems the minion was sent to assassinate me whilst I slept, but my good Lady intercepted and foiled the minion's foul plans.
We know not of the real Lady Padraigin's state of affairs, but the impostor left the manse screaming, My Eye!, My Eye!"

We left Sir Simonn, Lord Zane and Lord Okin at the event, but they should now be on their way.
HE Don Armand and daughter, Lady Gabriel, stayed a bit to visit with old friends.
M'lord Chrestien Brule, Lady Nora, HE Dona Leah, and the sprouts will spend the night camping at Three Queens.
Lady Alexandria Penrose was present and still fighting when we left.

Santiago and Elisabeth
  Baron and Baroness

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