[Bordermarch] Cancellation

David Lathrop dblathrop at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 9 19:41:26 PDT 2009

HE and I have just received word from his dear mother that his long lost brother from the Green Mountains, and one from the shores to our South are making their way to our borders the last weekend of this month.  This in turn means that our heirs will be attending from far and wide to unit for perhaps one last family reunion.  It is with this news that we regretfully have to cancel the Bordermarch A&S day set for Sept 26th. We are willing to move it to a Sat in October and turn it into a Barony Gathering of sorts, food, fun, song and dance.  Anyone wanting to share their talents or try their hand at fighting welcome(marshals permitting and waivers signed). New date will be announced at Sept. populace and on the list & web. 

Many thanks for your understanding.  His Excellency has not seen his two brothers since his fathers passing 11 years ago.  

HE Elisabeth

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