[Bordermarch] Populace and such

Lathrop, Dave David.Lathrop at valero.com
Tue Apr 27 05:31:14 PDT 2010

Shwmae Bordermarch,

Should one happen to be in Gander Mountain this Thursday around 7:00pm, perhaps shopping for some stink-bait for that special fishing trip you've been planning all year for the family unit, one will find HE Elisabeth and myself in the Lodge Room. We will be there waiting for our Populace to arrive and share their deepest thoughts and desires with us. We shall council those with troubled minds. We shall succor the unenlightened, and we'll talk about last weekend's Baronial event.
We'd like to get some feedback about ideas for next year's event. We'll also touch on our upcoming Autumn Melees and start organizing our coordinators.

This year we'd like to make a push to get the entire barony involved in making something for the gift baskets; peanut brittle?

We're also going to pull out the big red tent from the shed and see what it will take to make it usable again. Some new poles will probably need to be made so I figure we could have a pole party and eat some cheese.

I bought a nice double sheaf pulley the other day.

We also need to have another Brewers Guild meeting because all the honey I bought for making mead is slowly being consumed one toast at a time!

If M'Lord Beau makes it to populace I will have him display a knot he learned how to tie while working the waterways, it's called a Dragon-Bowline. I would venture that Bordermarch's seventh degree Eagle Scout, Lord Aaron Whitewolf, does not know how to tie a Dragon Bowline.

I shall bring to Populace some of the bread pudding that HE Elisabeth made for last weekend's event. It's still in the cooler that we brought it home in. I put the cooler in the garage so it should be ok. I'll check to see if there's any ice left in the cooler.

If someone wants to bring something for Show-and-Tell during our Populace meeting, make certain it's pertinent and relative to the works of Aristotle during his most creative period. A whitewashed slab of slate would be a good example.

i mewn<http://www.bbc.co.uk/cgi-bin/wales/learnwelsh/welsh_dictionary.pl?gair=i%20mewn&i=c> gwasanaethu<http://www.bbc.co.uk/cgi-bin/wales/learnwelsh/welsh_dictionary.pl?gair=gwasanaethu&i=c> at defart breuddwyd<http://www.bbc.co.uk/cgi-bin/wales/learnwelsh/welsh_dictionary.pl?gair=breuddwyd&i=c>,

HE Santiago

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