[Bordermarch] Baronial Thanks

tessa tessa at gt.rr.com
Mon Apr 26 15:16:05 PDT 2010

It was a fabulous 14 hours!
"Thank You-s" to Your Excellencies Santiago & Elisabeth for being our 
fearless leaders who instill confidence in each of your
populace while your own ever-jovial sleeves are rolled up to work. You do so 
well represent the Crown of Ansteorra unto populace here.

To Their Excellencies' posted words, I would hasten to add that clean-up, 
tear-down, pack-up, "head-'em-up, move-'em-out"
was completed for our 1-day event mili-seconds prior to 8:00 PM, due in 
great part to the systematic packing that has become routine to a few,
but due in more great part to the fact that so many extra local willing 
hands were offering muscles to dismantle, fold, and load.
Even some out-of-barony guests were offering assistance until several of us 
encouraged them to begin their sojourns.
On that happy note, I have none, zero, not any items of Lost & Found (of 
which I am aware).

Speaking as a person who has stewarded ("autocratted" being the prior word) 
events by-gone,
it was nice to be able to depart a cleaned site with enough daylight left to 
traverse homeward.

Tested and proven: "MANY HANDS DO MAKE LIGHT WORK"
Thank you all for helping prepare and dismantle site.
Saluting also, "Long Live Ansteorra!"
                     "Death to Trimaris... ... ..."

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Lathrop, Dave" <David.Lathrop at valero.com>
To: "Barony Bordermarch" <bordermarch at lists.ansteorra.org>
Sent: Monday, April 26, 2010 2:16 PM
Subject: [Bordermarch] Baronial Thanks

Greetings Bordermarch,

A big thanks to all for making our baronial a fun day for everyone:

Countess Mistress Tessa---( The event Autocrat proving her worth by stepping 
in front of the crowd not knowing what to say during Court, yet still 
managing to convince all that she did.)
Count Sir Simonn---(My personal pack-mule who hauls everything except his 
own.....) he was also our Autocrat's Deputy.
Lady Padraigin---(Our Gate Lady who allowed me to witness her miraculous 
sleight of hand; as our baronial silk banner was flapping in the breeze, she 
somehow inhaled into one of her nostrils.)
Lady Biannca---(Our Gate Lady who can change a dirty diaper while counting 
out your change.)
Lady Libbi---(Another great Gate Lady who doubles as our MOC, God Bless Her 
HE Therese d'Ivoire---(Our scribal Guild Lady who coordinated all the 
scrolls stuff for our new champions.)
HE Amber Lea Fairchild---(Our lovely singing Lyst Mistress who is Welsh like 
the grape jelly.)
Lady Jillian---(Our second Lyst Mistress who wants so bad to be grape jelly, 
OOPS! I mean Welsh like her mother.)
Lord Phocas---(Bordermarch's Token King!)
Lady Ellen the Quiet---( Lord Phocas's soul-mate. With her guidance he can 
now actually finish one of the many projects he starts!)
Lord Vaclav Slovaczek--- (The guy you saw sneaking around trying to pawn of 
all the extra oranges and pickles that he mistakenly picked up at a garage 
Lady Kemela---(One of our Champion's Scroll painters who made sure Lord 
Aaron Whitewolf the Lost find the event site; although, they only live right 
down the road.)
Lord Aaron Whitewolf---(Proud and perky since he decided to make it to the 
event on time without any detours, just to prove he could.)
M'Lord Beau---(Another Scribal-scroll person. Even though his merchant 
galley was robbed of 400 bottles of Anteorra's finest wine, he designed and 
painted his very first Champion's Scroll.)
M'Lady Caren---( The true source of M'Lord Beau's artistic endeavors, she 
center's his wild ambitions by making him take out the trash.)
Don Brian mac Cael---(Bordermarch's outgoing Rapier Champion who can make HE 
Elisabeth cry real easy-like.)
Lord Zane---(Bordermarch's newest Rapier Champion, and HE Elisabeth's newest 
personal fetch-boy.)
Graf Galen Kirchenbauer---(Bordermarch's outgoing Chivalric Champion who 
turned out to have a very devious mind when it came to fight scenarios.)
Sir Ysfael---(Bordermarch's newest Chivalric Champion who doesn't really 
know what he's gotten himself into---Yet!)
Lord Nikolai-(Our A&S Coordinator and Champion who constantly renders me 
Lady Carletta da Nicolosi---(Bordermarch's newest Arts and Science Champion 
who allows our fair barony to bask neth her veil of beauty and knowledge for 
but a brief moment in time.)
Lord Ricciardo Leonzo de Nicolosi---(Her husband.)    Oh yeah, during the 
event he did gather quite a crowd who watched with fascination as he taught 
them some chainmail making stuff.
Lady Alesone Lesley---(Our Chirurgeon for the event who volunteered her 
services and made sure there were no injuries, VIVAT!)
Lord Adolf---(Bordermarch's best "Scream like a little girl when you die" 
Lady Colecte the Timely--- (The misguided elegant young Lady who married 
Lord Adolf; despite this handicap she provided the homemade feast bread that 
I used to sop up my chili juice.)
Lord Decimus ---(The only son of Lord Adolf who doesn't think him a liar and 
a cheat!)
M'Lady Abi---(A  Bordermarcher who on occasion can be caught sucking her 
M'Lord Thomas---(One of Bordermarch's newest rapier fighters who's second 
only fighting event was our Baronial! He placed well in the lyst and made 
his Lady and all of us extremely proud!)
M'Lord Morgan---(a delightful young man who's inclined to wonder at 
M'Lord Chrestien Brule---(Accused and abused, if you'd listen to him, but 
still leading the charge to protect our barony against any who would attack 
via the high seas.)
HE Dona Leah---(Bordermarch's gregarious rapier Lady who has as much fun 
heckling as she does whopping up on all the young fighters)
M'Lord Keith the Healed---(Who's recent injury has not quelled his lifelong 
dream of becoming a member of the international River Dance Troup.)
M'Lady Kendra---( Dance instructor and really really like really! close 
friend to M'Lord Keith the Healed.)
Lord Malcolm---(Fighter extraordinaire! A man who's skill at fighting in the 
lyst just barely out-shines his spit polished armor.)
Lady Aaron---(Lord Malcolm's Lady to whom he pledges his honor and love 
every time he treads the lyst to do battle.)
M'Lord Paul the Wanderer---( Bordermarch's  four-year-old nomad.)
M'Lord Shawn the Wanderer's Apprentice---(Bordermarch's youngest ever future 
hope to be nominated as "The one who'll spend the most time in a dungeon 
cell before reaching his five yrs old.)
Lady Selina of the Wood---( A beautiful young thing with a huge bashful 
Lord Sasha---(A Bordermarch Rapier fighter who appears from thin smoke and 
then vanishes!)
M'Lord Zack---(Lady Bianca's gift to Lord Nikolai for  his pretty eyes)
Lord Jacques---( A rapier fighter who has been meaning to make Bordermarch 
his home for the last twelve or so years.)
M'Lord Grant---(A true ladies-man who's still a teenager.)
Lord John the Sterling---(Another one who leaves me speechless!)
Lord Olaf---( House Wolfstar at its finest; minimum armor, lots of bared 
skin, a mean growl and great fighting skill!)
M'Lord Rogan---(Although young and new to the lyst, his hard practices have 
reaped rewards! M'Lord Rogan receives word fame and now claims several kills 
against seasoned fighters!)
Lord Roland---(Claims to be of House Wolfstar, but we witnessed no bared 
skin, and his dancing skill on the rapier lyst reveals a past with a more 
much refined philosophy.)
Lord Roland's Most Beautiful Lady---(She must be the refined influence from 
which he gathers his fighting style)
M'Lord James---(One of our newest Bordermarcher's  who spent the day with us 
getting sucked further into the Dream.)
M'Lord Keith---(A Scoundrel!)
M'Lord Keith's Lovely Lady---(Who was never introduced to me because M'Lord 
Keith selfishly kept his Lady's name to himself; I can do no less than grace 
her with a name!
         From this day forth, or until M'Lord Keith tells me his Lady's 
name, she shall be known to all as M'Lady ? of House Ambiguity!)
Lady Lyllianne---(Bordermarch's Poetess who was poem-less during the event.)
Lady Lillianne's boyfriend---(Bob goes by  the moniker "AO or DJ, or JP; I 
just can't remember!
Lord Redmund---(Bordermarch rapier fighter who placed himself at HE 
Elisabeth's beck and call for the entire event.)
M'Lady Alycia---(Lord Redmund's Fiancé who was properly introduce unlike 
M'Lord Keith's Lady.)
Lord Calvan Tittle---( Due to his unnaturally pale complexion, a side effect 
from partying hard at night and sleeping during the day, was heard to 
mutter, "I really need to get more sun.")
Lady Debra of the Loch---(Bordermarch's newest Equestrian Champion who made 
her man help me tear down our pavilion at the end of the day, what a woman!)

We also had help from many others who made this event truly wonderful, I'll 
get to them later.

HE Elisabeth made sure that I stayed hydrated throughout the day, and 
profusely complimented my fluffy hair! I cannot thank her enough. She also 
cooked one heck of a feast!

I'd also like to compliment myself for being able to get up the next day and 
do....... well just being able to get out of bed was exceptional!

LONG LIVE ANSTEORRA!!!!!  I'm making a fist and raising it over my head but 
none are present to witness me doing it, this disturbs me.


Santiago and Elisabeth
Baron and Baroness
of Bordermarch

Dang! That's a lot of Bordermarcher's, I guess we'll need a bigger room for 
this Thursday's Populace meeting.

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