[Bordermarch] An Answer to a 12th night Question

Angel Billiot billiotkwhs at hotmail.com
Mon Dec 6 13:24:10 PST 2010

 the question of site....Yes we do...For everyone we will be sending out
 formal invitations, through the mail, but site is the Unity Church of 
Beaumont. It is off S 23rd st. If you may think we don't have your mailing address please get it to me ASAP!!! Still don't have a list of people yet! 


>From Silsbee Area- Go 69S towards Beaumont. 
                      Exit 850 (Washington Blvd.) 
                      Turn right on Washington Blvd. 
                      Take 1st right onto 23rd st. (23rd is about a 1/4 mile down (if that)
                      Turn right at the light!)
                      The church will be .2 miles down on your right!!

                      On Google maps it shows a BIG BLUE building right 
b4 the     church. The Church sets off the road a lil ways. 

>From Port Arthur Area- Make your best way to 69 N towards Beaumont
                        Take exit Washington Blvd.
                        Go LEFT under the over pass.
                        Get in RIGHT hand lanes ASAP
                        Take the 1st right (23rd st! At the light)
                        The church will be .2 miles down on your right!!

                        On Google maps it shows a BIG BLUE building 
right b4 the   church. The Church sets off the road a lil ways.

In Service
Lady Angelica Catolina Veronica de Granada
Daughter of HE Valencia Carlota Maria de Granada
Mother to Elvin the Hunter and Claudia Marie de Granada
Captive to the Crew of the Phoenix 

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