[Bordermarch] 2010 William Blackfox Award

David Lathrop dblathrop at yahoo.com
Sun Jul 11 17:49:27 PDT 2010


Greetings Bordermarch.

A bit of good news:
If one would type in SCA, Inc William Blackfox Awards
Then in the upper left corner click on "SCA Newsletter Awards
Then click on the one the says; "A.S. 44(2010) Awards
The scroll down to "Best Regular Feature" you will find that our "You Only 
Thought You Knew Me" column in the Trumpeter was one of the nominies to win. We 
did not win it this time but we shall strive for the next. 

If one scrolls down a bit further to the "Best Article" one will observe the 
Bordermarch's Countess Tessa won this catagory with her article; "Barony Grants 
Wish: Gulf War Stage for Hospitality", by Countess Tessa of the Gardens, The 
Trumpeter, Barony of Bordermarch, Kingdom of Ansteorra.
VIVAT! for Countess Tessa and VIVAT! for Bordermarch.

HE Santiago

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