[Bordermarch] Thanks from Germanicus!

Germanicus de Atlan ldgermanicus at hotmail.com
Wed Jun 16 15:54:04 PDT 2010

G'day to all,

For those who sent suggestions, ideas, and of course wild, absolutely unbelievable

demands (Santiago; you need serious phsychiatric councelling...KIDDING!) for the 

website I wanted to say THANK YOU!


Santiago, got the link, and will grab the new and improved photograph.

Tessa, got the brand new version of the in-CRED-ible "History in Spreadsheet Form"

and it will be uploaded.  (Have all of you SEEN this thing?  It is absolutely amazing.)

Lady Val; you make staring at this stupid computer worth it!

There's more, you know who you are, and again thanks a million everyone.

Here's the plan.  I'll be uploading the brand new main page soon first, with easy-to-read

buttons and menus, Santiago and Elizabeth's new picture, better organized menus and more.

The goal is to make it very easy for SCA-denizens to get to what they want, while also

being easy to find your way around for brand new prospective members to Bordermarch (or

anywhere else for that matter).  From there I'll be overhauling the calendar / events / meetings

information and the Officers / Contacts pages, then move to the "What is this all about?" page(s).


Next will be Bordermarch Melees and also Border Keep (history of, pictures, etc.).  After that, the 

Photo Albums will be organized a little beter (Phocas; stop giving me the dirty look!  The pictures are

YOURS, and I have no intention to interfere with a pro like you!  Besides, every time I try to take a

photograph, I end up taking a pic of my eye, or the ground, or my finger...)


Also per Tessa's request, and it's LONG overdue!, I'll start scanning my Bordermarch pics going way, 

WAY back (when Bordermarch was 6 months old) and creating albums so you can all see how 

dopey Simonn looked back then. (couldn't resist the jab!  He'll get me back, trust me).  I think 

you'll all enjoy these, and there are a lot of familiar faces you'll recognize from our glorious history.


Finally, VIDEO LINKS to both some I have, and anything else I'm aware of regarding Bordermarch or

events we attend.  Speaking of, is anyone else going to Pennsic War?  If so, let me know and we can

rendevouz there.  I'll be with Ironlance in W-13, where you'll find Scythe Bearslayer, a longtime friend 

and former resident of Bordermarch, and Simonn's squire.  Hospitality guaranteed to any of you who make

the long march!


In service to Bordermarch and to you all,

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