[Bordermarch] Youth Combat Rules for Gulf Wars

SCOTT HATCHER texsword at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 1 18:10:48 PST 2010

Thank you , Olaf

--- On Mon, 3/1/10, Germanicus de Atlan <ldgermanicus at hotmail.com> wrote:

> From: Germanicus de Atlan <ldgermanicus at hotmail.com>
> Subject: [Bordermarch] Youth Combat Rules for Gulf Wars
> To: bordermarch at lists.ansteorra.org
> Date: Monday, March 1, 2010, 4:18 PM
> Good evening Bordermarch!
> I just got this from Lady Liliana and wanted to make sure
> everyone "back home" who's
> going to Gulf Wars with a Young Fighter will know what the
> current requirements are.
> Ansteorra rules require a "designated adult" to be within
> eye shot or ear shot.  This allows the 
> parents to ask someone else to be responsible for their
> child's safety if they are tied up with 
> other busy with other things (such as kingdom business or
> laurels circles).  This has worked 
> well and has frequently resulted in happier kids and less
> stressed, more attentive adults at the 
> list field.  I believe this is what has been agreed to
> in Gleann Abhann recently as well from
>  looking at the web pages regarding children at Gulf War.
> In Gleann Abhann it is the expectation for parents to
> remain on within voice range of their 
> children. There is little to no way for this to be enforced
> this at GW. But this year parents will 
> have to sign saying they understand our rules. We do not
> treat youth combat as a "Children's 
> Activity."  Parents need to understand, marshals have
> enough responsibilities just marshaling. 
> They will not take responsibility for the kids and are not
> expected to keep up with children 
> or monitor them when they are not on the field. That is the
> parent's responsibility. 
> Also just so you know. Kids will be removed from the field
> for un-chivalrous behavior. 
> This includes using excessive force, horse playing or
> cursing.  Personally, I teach Jr. High 
> kids and deal with enough of that type of behavior at work.
> I think we as a society do and 
> should continue to hold our kids to a higher
> standard.  
> Hope this make sense. 
> Bethany Bacon 
> I.  Age:  Ansteorra authorizes fighters as young
> as 6.  Trimaris, Meridies, and Glenn Abhann 
> all start at age 7, so there is an argument for those
> rules.  However, 10 out of the 15 kingdoms 
> with youth combat programs allow 6 year old combatants,
> some younger, so you may have 
> questions about that as well.  My thought would be to
> allow those who have been authorized 
> to fight a set of "authorization bouts" to verify they
> understand the safety rules of Gleann Abhann.  
> 6 year olds would have to be on an individual case
> "Authorization fight." The parents 
> would have to agree (in writing) that they MUST stay at the
> field when their children are fighting 
> and that they understand that their child will be fighting
> against older children.  I would also have
>  to request an Ansteorran marshal be their for the
> authorization.  Even then I am not sure about
>  letting them in the big melee battles, even the young kids
> get wild in the big battles.  
> II.  Weapons:
>  a.   Core -many kingdoms still use pvc core
> weapons.  ½ in schedule 40 is what is listed as 
> required for Ansteorra.  Ansteorra also permits
> unshaved rattan.  Trimaris allows only sched 
> 40 pvc core, but has a larger diameter than
> Ansteorra.  All pvc weapons should be covered 
> with fiber tape or strapping tape.  This is not
> outlined in Ansteorra's new rules, but has been 
> agreed upon by our current marshals for safety. 
> The ½ in PVC will be OK for one handed weapons for the
> young kids (under 10) older kids 
> at lease ¾ in. But I have seen too many of the PVC weapons
> break at GW. Just so you can tell 
> the marshals/parents, I inspect weapons but bending them
> over my knee. If they make cracking 
> sounds or have any cracks that can be felt when they are
> bent, they can not be used on the field. 
> I have broken weapons in the past and if it breaks over my
> knee it was too weak to be used on 
> the field anyway.  
> b.   Diameter - There is a difference of ¼
> in. diameter on weapons.  Gleann Abhann says 
> 2.75 in. diameter on thrusting tip, and several other
> kingdoms (including Ansteorra and Trimaris) 
> say 2.5 in.¼ inch difference will not be a problem, but no
> less than 2.5 inches.  
> c.   Weight-Ansteorra currently has no
> weight guidelines.  We have not weighed weapons at GW
>  in the past. As long as they are not obviously heavy or
> weighted. No large metal basket hilts, that 
> could be used as a weapon themselves. 
> d.   Length - Ansteorra has a 5 ft. limit on
> axe and sword, 7 ft. limit on glaive, and 8ft on
> Spear.  
> Most divisions here read "size proportional to
> combatant."  I tend to test whether they are 
> capable of adequately controlling the weapon as my guide
> for "proportional." I do not like the 
> longer weapons. I will allow the 8ft spears, if they are
> properly constructed, I inch PVC 
> schedule 40 and not whippy.  However, the full foot of
> deference in the glaives is too much, 
> and especially for the younger kids.  I also have to
> say . The field marshals have the right to
>  remove any weapon from the field that they do not feel is
> safe for any reason, or that is not 
> being used safely.  
> e.   Shields - material they are constructed
> from.  Some Ansteorran Shields are made from 
> plastic or aluminum.  We do not have a wood only
> shield rule, but we do require all edges 
> to be covered with tubing, leather, or foam to protect the
> weapons.  The aluminum or plastic 
> is not a problem. They will have to have the FOAM padding
> on the edges. This can just be
>  taped over what is already their. Our rules require the
> padding and last year I allowed an 
> Anstorian to fight with just the tubing and a child got his
> fingers smashed. 
> f.   Basket hilts/gauntlete are not required
> on many shields and weapons and are not required
>  for combat until 13-15 year old division.  Up to
> then, our armor requirements list only light 
> gloves.  I cannot let hand protection slide. With
> glaives and spires on the field, hands are very 
> vulnerable.  Hockey gloves, or padding over the back
> of hand and wrist is a must. But there 
> is noting that says it can't be padding tape on, we have
> done it before. Looks bad, but it 
> protects.  If they have a basket hilt (tubing or
> leather is acceptable) then ½ gauntlets are 
> required to protect the wrist. This goes for the shield as
> well as one handed weapons.  
> Hockey gloves really work best for 2 handed weapons. 
> II.     Armor
> i.   Neck- Ansteorra lists gorget (from
> light to medium leather depending on division), but 
> foam padding is not specified and fighters may need to be
> instructed to add foam to their gorgets.
> If the leather is not HEAVY the padding will be required.
> It is not hard to add.  
> ii.   Torso-in Trimaris and Ansteorra,
> kidney belts are not required for the lower two divisions, 
> Ansteorra lists a long sleeve shirt and Trimaris a heavy
> sweatshirt or gambeson. 
> >>>>Kidney belts are also not something I can
> let slide. However, they do not have to be 
> anything fancy; 4 to 8 inch wide heavy piece leather taped
> around the middle will be fine. I 
> have several loner ones and some scrap leather around here
> I will bring. The cheep weight 
> lifting belts (black fabric and Velcro) sold at Wal-Mart
> and sporting good store, are very 
> adjustable and work well for even the smaller kids.  
> *** Two items that are especially able to find at war among
> the merchants are gauntlets/padded 
> gloves of any sort and kidney protection small enough to
> fit a child combatant.
> Yours in service, 
> Lady Liliana Byrnes
> (with commentary from HE Bethan Bacon of Glean Abhann)
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