[Bordermarch] March Trumpeter

Phocas of Bordermarch phocas at bordermarch.org
Mon Mar 15 19:32:49 PDT 2010

Meresankh, the Trumpeter is in a PDF format.  This has gotten to be a VERY
common standard for the internet and many other manuals for software.  The
last two issues are about 8 megs, so they take a little bit of time to
download. If you are on dial-up they will take quite a bit of time.

  Pandora and I have struggle to try not make them so large, but also want
them to be high enough quality to print well for people who want to print a
copy.  I'm on high speed cable and they take about 15-20 seconds to download
the PDF.

If there are several people who would like to see a smaller version posted
on the website just for viewing on their computers and don't care to have it
in a format large enough to print, I can made a low resolution version ALSO
available for those that are still on dial-up speeds.  Let me know if there
is an interest in also having a low res version.

If it is because you don't have acrobat reader installed to view PDfs- you
can download acrobat  from the adobe website:  www.adobe.com


-----Original Message-----
From: bordermarch-bounces+phocas=bordermarch.org at lists.ansteorra.org
[mailto:bordermarch-bounces+phocas=bordermarch.org at lists.ansteorra.org] On
Behalf Of W G Wimberley
Sent: Monday, March 15, 2010 12:49 PM
To: Barony Bordermarch
Subject: Re: [Bordermarch] March Trumpeter

Phocas, I tried clicking on the pics for the Trumpeter issues for Jan/Feb
and March, the next screen was simply black on the Trumpeter section. Has
this happened to you, or do you recon this is simply my computer having
problems? Thanks for any reply you can give me.

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