[Bordermarch] THIS WEEKEND - Site Work update!

Phocas of Bordermarch phocas at bordermarch.org
Sat Nov 13 05:00:32 PST 2010

    Just got off the phone with Lord Zane and Sir Simonn....  in evaluating
the rain and radar along with schedules: they are still heading up to site
with James and his riding mower to get mowed what they can between rains.

I am going to flip my Saturday and Sunday plans and head up to site early on
Sunday morning to do the weed eating around the castle, amphitheater and cut
down the growth in the "Elven Glen" hill going into the Ravine.

Anyone available to come help Sunday, please come on out and bring a weed
eater if you have one, or if not- I now have an extra one.  Some company
would be nice..:)

Lord Phocas

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