[Bordermarch] Prayers for our Bordermarch family

Bill C Burgin billcburgin at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 13 17:16:30 PDT 2010

Thank you for the information.  This is all news to me, and none of it good...
We will certainly add them all to our prayers.
Ericus, Helene, and the children

We cannot destroy the Earth; we can only destroy our ability to live on it.

From: David Lathrop <dblathrop at yahoo.com>
To: Bordermarch <bordermarch at lists.ansteorra.org>
Sent: Wed, October 13, 2010 6:19:39 PM
Subject: [Bordermarch] Prayers for our Bordermarch family

Bordermarch Populace,

Please remember Sir Simonn, Countess Tessa and Lord Zane in your thoughts and 
prayers over the next few days. As many may already know their good friend 
Barbara in Alaska has been fighting cancer for many years. She has fought brave 
and hard and is now in her last moments at home with the love and warmth of her 
husband and children around her. Sir Simonn and Lord Zane will be traveling 
North in the days to come to be with their extended family. 

Countess Tessa will remain behind after going through surgery today on her left 
ankle. She fell while working at the school last week and has done quit a lot of 

damage. She now has pins and a metal plate holding her lower leg together as it 
heals and is unable to bare weight for six weeks. She will be attended by her 
cousins from Baytown. She has also torn ligaments in her shoulder and 
will undergo extensive treatment after the leg heals. 

As they say when it rains it pours and Lord knows we have all been there at one 
time or another. They are asking for lots of prayers for Barbara and her 
family.  Santiago and I ask that you also keep Simonn, Tessa and Zane in your 
hearts as they take this trying journey during a very difficult time. 

God Speed,

Elisabeth et Santiago 
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