[Bordermarch] Need Garb

David Lathrop dblathrop at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 19 19:53:54 PDT 2010

If there is no garb available perhaps she could find a peasant type skirt, 
blouse and baggy pants at a resale shop and add a scarf as a belt...the story 
line for this Melees is very pirate like.  I have also completed 3 black 
Bordermarch tabards that will be available to wear over mundane clothing. Just a 
belt would be 

needed. Hope that helps. 
HE Elisabeth

From: SCOTT HATCHER <texsword at yahoo.com>
To: bordermarch <Bordermarch at lists.ansteorra.org>
Sent: Sat, October 16, 2010 10:24:52 AM
Subject: [Bordermarch] Need Garb

I have a friend going to Melees w/ me & she's around a size 6-8 does anyone have 
some X-tra garb I can borrow for her? Thanks

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