[Bordermarch] Important Stuffing

Theresa Liddle-Bernsen cre8tivtess at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 2 14:53:10 PDT 2010

I haven't the foggiest idea what "Mon Couite per Julese" means I just hope it is 
not dirty.  I appreciate the generosity of our humble Baron on the loan of the 
50 gallon garbage bag to sleep in since I have no tent. Is that as big as a 
garage tent??? I am not sure I can afford the cost, those 50 gallon garbage bags 
are expensive, I just hope they are the stretchy kind I would hate to tear a 
hole in it and have to return it damaged. But then I am the Baron's money 
keeper so I could just buy him a new one and no one would be the wiser???  If 
you loan me a bag do I have to put it up myself or can I get help??? Well, just 
put me on the list for one and I will try to figure it out.


Theresa Liddle-Bernsen
Support Your Local Potters

From: "Lathrop, Dave" <David.Lathrop at valero.com>
To: Barony Bordermarch <bordermarch at lists.ansteorra.org>
Sent: Thu, September 2, 2010 7:56:45 AM
Subject: [Bordermarch] Important Stuffing

Mon Couite per Julese,

"For those who are camping with the baronial encampment, but are without a tent, 
I've got some extra 50 gallon garbage bags you can use."

HE Santiago
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