[Bordermarch] Stargate/Loch event/2
Lathrop, Dave
David.Lathrop at valero.com
Thu Apr 14 10:52:51 PDT 2011
Greetings unto Lady Angelica,
This is what I gathered from your account of the event;
Since Lord Sasha doesn't make rest-stops on his way to events, Man Law #625.3 dictates he provide a complimentary bladder bag to anyone who rides with him.
I now feel a little better knowing that I'm not the only one to step on your lovely overly long dress. I was unknowingly standing on it when we were all gathered for the signing of the Letter of Mark, but by God's good grace HE Elisabeth gave my kidney a secret love tap that doubled me over just enough to put me eye level with her. I mistakenly made direct eye contact with her and that's when she gave me "The Look"! I was paralyzed!
I fought the good fight, but in the end she forced my eyes down, and then further down, and finally all the way down to the dusty boot encasing a singular foot that was unfortunately attached to the bottom of my leg! As I stood there all stooped over and looking at my foot, it dawned on me that said foot was resting on a cushion of finely weaved,(at least 600 count), tope colored carpet. I came to my senses and realized it twas no carpet, it twas your trailing dress that I was stepping on; sorry.
I am relieved to learn that Captain Lord Chrestien Brule is so keen with his sense of fashion. I'm sure the belt he made you wear really pulled your whole outfit together. I shale consult him in the future about the Three cornered hat I'm thinking of purchasing.
As for M'Lord Madoric the Forgettable, we'll have to keep an eye or two on him. Might I suggest some of that double-sided carpet tape to stick his favors to his forehead. At least there'd be no second guessing concerning his immediate possession of the favors.
I like what I'm hearing about M'Lady Magdalena. She's an accomplished artist, a dancer, and a sometimes blonde! Whenever I spot someone in the group with that particular triad of talents I immediately think, "OFFICER MATERIAL!"
We'll discuss her future at later date.
And finally, never fear the snake, fear the Bibbit instead!
HE Santiago
-----Original Message-----
From: bordermarch-bounces+david.lathrop=valero.com at lists.ansteorra.org [mailto:bordermarch-bounces+david.lathrop=valero.com at lists.ansteorra.org] On Behalf Of Angel Billiot
Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2011 4:40 PM
To: Barony of Bordermarch
Subject: Re: [Bordermarch] Stargate/Loch event/2
Since you ask for story's I will share one even more funny than Lord Sasha walking on the train of my dress. (which I know he is gonna really love you sharing with everyone LOL)
When I got the call saying that Sasha didn't wanna go by himself, I looked over at Sanishio and said do you wanna ride. With this stupid look on his face he declared that the pain he was in is to much to have to ride that far but for me to go and have fun. So I accepted to proposal to ride. NOT knowing there was stipulations till the night before it was time to leave!! The thing was that Lord Sashka would be here at 7:30 and if I was not ready to walk out the door I was being left and to go to the privy B4 we left because he was not stopping. I was not happy!!! Much to his and everyone else surprise I was ready and waiting!!!
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