[Bordermarch] Hospitaler Officer /Deputy Hospitaler place of service

tessa tessa at gt.rr.com
Fri Dec 23 09:31:04 PST 2011

Along this note, the Bordermarch Hospitaler tells me she is interested in 
finding a local Deputy Hospitaler.

The Hospitaler Officer and Deputy involve the following:
With a welcome-wagon atmosphere, helping participants find their niche early 
in by offering borrowed garb or gear if needed;
providing informative SCA handouts and contacts at local gatherings in the 
park or elsewhere;
helping organize demo/s and membership drives;
have a few words ready for the local monthly newsletter to welcome and 
involve the populace;
(and, in Bordermarch specifically, gathering personal hygiene supplies to 
fill November BAM showerhouse baskets for the weekend of BAM);
 use a monthly system of reporting from local Hospitaler to regional level 
so that ideas may be shared with other groups.

If you are interested in this place of service as a Deputy Hospitaler, then 
possibly later filling the office of Hospitaler,
please let it be known to Their Excellencies Elisabeth & Santiago, to the 
Hospitaler, and to your Seneschal.

Giving an extra thanks here to all who have gone before, serving as 
welcome-ers (whether or not actually "in" an office),
for it is by your smile and interest that someone may experience stepping 
through the mist into medieval life not necessarily as is was,
but as it might have been.

Best wishes and fond regards,
Yours in service,
   Countess Tessa of the Gardens

   Coastal & Southern Regional Hospitaler
   coastal at hospitaler.ansteorra.org

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "tessa" <tessa at gt.rr.com>
To: "Barony Bordermarch" <bordermarch at lists.ansteorra.org>
Sent: Friday, December 23, 2011 11:27 AM
Subject: Re: [Bordermarch] Hospitaler Officer

> Communication confirmed via phone call.
> Thank you :)
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