[Bordermarch] February A&S

Angel Billiot billiotkwhs at hotmail.com
Thu Feb 24 16:34:05 PST 2011

This month the company's "Harem" has been dancing every week and this month we started research on Greeks and masks. Working on making a few masks and some period garbs.

Lady A
> Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2011 10:59:23 -0800
> From: wick7343 at yahoo.com
> To: bordermarch at lists.ansteorra.org
> Subject: [Bordermarch] February A&S
> It is that time of the month again already!  What has everyone been up to in A&S?  Earlier this month, Beau, Karin, and myself traveled to Bjornsborg to attend Kingdom A&S where I entered the shield that I somehow managed to finish on time.  Since then, I have started prep work on another shield and have been making metal links for my A&S day class.  I have also acquired a fencing warshield pattern from Chrestien and will be experimenting with that soon.
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