[Bordermarch] Baronial Championship

Jillian Birtciel saintesun at gmail.com
Thu Jan 6 14:17:36 PST 2011

Unsubstantiated rumor has it on April 30th.  But you didn't hear that from

On Thu, Jan 6, 2011 at 7:22 AM, Jon Bilderback
<jon_bilderback at hotmail.com>wrote:

> So, when is it?
> Calvin
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Yours in Service,

~Jillian Saint Andre, OSTB

`*When I use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, `it
means just what I choose it to mean -- neither more nor less.' *

* `The question is,' said Alice, `whether you can make words mean so many
different things.' *

* `The question is,' said Humpty Dumpty, `which is to be master - - that's
all.' *

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