[Bordermarch] Inventory

Theresa Liddle-Bernsen cre8tivtess at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 31 16:55:45 PST 2011

Greetings unto the populace of Bordermarch from your local exchecquer,

I was not joking about the inventory! 

If you have items that are Barony property PLEASE list these items and send them 
to me. I must turn in the list to Regional ASAP.

        ALL BARONS & BARONESSES - If you have items that are Baronial items, 
please list and send to me.
        ALL MARSHALLS - If you have loner gear or weapons, list it and 
send it to me. 

        ALL OFFICERS - If you have items that are Baronial property, list it and 
send it to me.
        ALL PAST OFFICERS - If you have any items that are Baronial property, 
list it and send it to me. 
        ALL MEMBERS - If you have any items borrowed or using that is Baronial 
property, list it and send it to me.

NOTE: I do not want the items I only want a list of these items. 

Yours in service,
Theresa Liddle-Bernsen
Support Your Local Potters

From: Angel Billiot <billiotkwhs at hotmail.com>
To: Barony of Bordermarch <bordermarch at lists.ansteorra.org>
Sent: Mon, January 31, 2011 2:29:12 PM
Subject: Re: [Bordermarch] January A&S

Me and M'lady Magdalena are holding a belly dancing class at the house on 
Tuesdays nights at 6...we are not only dancing but we are studing up on the 
different types of dancing, and their origins. AND trying to figure out what is 
100% period in the garb department. In our studies we are getting to share with 
others about the SCA. 4 non-members are going to join us this week. They are 
excited to learn about the craft and about the SCA. With these numbers we maybe 
needing to find a new place VERY soon!!!

Lady Angelica Catolina Veronica de Granada
daughter of HE Valencia Carlota Maria de Granada
Mother to Elvin the Hunter and Claudia Maria de Granada
Captive of The Company of the Phoenix
Hospitaler for Barony Bordermarch 

> Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2011 10:31:52 -0800
> From: wick7343 at yahoo.com
> To: bordermarch at lists.ansteorra.org
> Subject: Re: [Bordermarch] January A&S
> Last call for January A&S,  I write my report tonight!
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