[Bordermarch] Caravan to Stargate/Loch Baronial April 9

Jillian Birtciel saintesun at gmail.com
Fri Mar 25 08:11:43 PDT 2011

Good Morrow my Barony!

Any of you venturing westward for the Stargate Investiture & Loch Baronial
in 2 weeks?  Our house intends to make the trek, for the day, and we'd love
the company!  If anyone does want to caravan or meet us there and set up
household, you're very welcome!  I hope to host their Excellencies, if
they're available, and as usual I intend to set a lunch for all our Barony.
It's hard to be in a foreign land and have to eat their weird food, too,
isn't it?  An accurate head-count would be much appreciated.  Simple fare
that has been tested for popularity (and passed!) will be provided.  Any
offerings you might also bring will be happily welcomed as well.

I do especially need an idea of how many fighters will be sitting with us,
so we will have enough Power Fruit available!

HE AmberLea also mentions, completely off-topic, that she still has four
Bladesong Bard Books available for sale if anyone is interested.  The cost
is 16$ to cover the printing fees; it's an actual book!  She can be
contacted through this list, FB, myself or any of her many children I'm

Happily I remain...

Yours in Service,

~Jillian Saint Andre, OSTB

`*When I use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, `it
means just what I choose it to mean -- neither more nor less.' *

* `The question is,' said Alice, `whether you can make words mean so many
different things.' *

* `The question is,' said Humpty Dumpty, `which is to be master - - that's
all.' *

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