[Bordermarch] updated info on Lord Jaques

Angel Billiot billiotkwhs at hotmail.com
Wed May 18 01:40:56 PDT 2011

Dear friends and family,

    I have met with Judy.  She was holding up well and has finally eaten.
She has given me Sean's (live Steel) blades, which myself and Lord Sasha
have done some great things to.  
   She has asked again that Thursday we all show our love to Sean by
coming in garb.  She has asked the Pallbearers to wear their armor and
to be at Farmer Funeral Home Silsbee at 1pm.
   She has also asked me to give everyone a big THANKS!!!  she is still in
awe!!! At this point in the conversation her tears came out.

Santiago or Elizabeth please call me... also all pallbearers call or get with
me, i have personal thanks and directions to give... (409) 554-1514

I plan on being at the viewing with Judy at 4:30 Wednesday.  Anyone with
any questions or comments, Please call me!!!!  Ohh Judy has asked that 
the viewing be casual.  So mundane!!!  Thursday make it garb.

Thanks and Love,

Lady Angelica Catolina Veronica de Granada
Barony Bordermarch Hospitaler

"Through the good times and the sad"

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