[Bordermarch] all sorts of stuff...
Thelismar at bordermarch.org
Thelismar at bordermarch.org
Sun May 29 06:39:30 PDT 2011
Gretings great Barony...Biau here with lots of stuff:
RE: Fighter Practice for Sunday 29 May 2011: No fighter practice in an
official capacity today as I will be unable to leave work to attend...This
will be remedied in short order as Thorkin (Chris Patty) will be taking on
the deputy KM role...Looking for any other deputy KM
takers---Olaf?...Otherwise, what you do @ the Park is entirely up to you,
the individual...
RE: May A&S: Baronial Champ Scrolls are written & drawn...Waiting to be
copied & painted....Atli, get w/ me @ Thur 02 June practice, if
possible...Or sooner if you can regarding the Baronial Shields
scrollwork...Some of you have seen the Defender of the Roses A&S entry I
entered back on 07 May...Lady Karen is also undertaking quill pen research
for both making & using actual feather quill pens...Don't tell her I told
you guys...She will only deny it...
RE: AHSS: There will be a planning meeting held @ the Beaumont Art League
for the Ansteorran Heraldric & Scribal Symposium (hereafter knwon as AHSS)
set for 730pm (1900) 03 June...I will be contacting all principals who
will be attending via telephone and/or e-mail...This is not an open
invite...I am not trying to exclude anyone or snub anyone...So please do
not take personal...I just wish to conduct a brief, yet thorough,
pre-event planning meeting...The fewer the people the more the meeting
tends to stay on track...This is a reminder to the following folks:
M. Jalali
M. Nerak
M. Hillary Greenslade
Count Sir Simonn & Countess Tessa
Lady Padraigin(sp?)
Ld Chrestien Brule
Lady Angelica
Lady Jillian & Ld Thomas
Ld Phocas (if possible)
Ld Slovaczek (sp?) (Wesley) (if possible)
Ld Aaron Whitewolf (if possible)
RE: Jedigazelle's Combat Inquiry & Combat Interest: Pleased to make your
acquaintance...I am the new Baronial Knight marshal, or KM & current
scribal Officer...I'm the guy who you will see @ a fighter practice who
will ask you to sign waivers...I'm also the guy who answers questions, or
if I don't have the answer, knows where to send you...I am currently out
of pocket as I work a week on-week off schedule on a harbor tugboat...I
did read your post but did not have time to respond before our King,
Lochlann, wrote you back (TY your Majesty) and stated the dangers of staff
fighting...Our former archery champion William Arewmaykre (sp?) likewise
posted many great references that you should read before ever picking up a
rattan weapon (TY Lord William)...Still, do not be discouraged...For when
you are ready, we will gladly teach you the skills necessary to fight with
glaive, spear, & greatsword...These weapons are much more glorious (IMO)
and pack quite the sting...So, unto that, hope to see you next Thur @
fighter practice (known hereafter as FP)...
And last but not least...
RE: "Flogging" the KM: I posted a response to this the other day...But, in
my haste to respond, I grabbed the pidgeon labeled
b-march at ansteorra.lists.org, not the correct one labeled
b-march at lists.ansteorra.org...The pidgeon I grabbed belonged to & flew to
none other than Nomis himself...The response was entitled: "Flogging"
Missive...It read: Ahem...Lord Biau here...as to the action of having me
flogged, Our Most Glorious Baron Santiago is most wise beyond his 38
years...He is correct in stating that it would be wiser to "unflog" my
salty hide as opposed to the opposite...If you would like, Lord "needle"
marshal, I could ask M'Ladies Melia & Mary for fine silken thread...Then I
could take one of your "needles", with permission from your Dona, Leah, &
quite deftly stitch your lower quivering lip to your uppper using a period
cross-stitch pattern reminescent of an Italian patterned doublet I spied
some time back...Nomis wrote back saying that I should just stab you in
the neck...YIS (yours in stitching) Lord Biau-douz de la Mere, Pen & Sword
Marshal, Barony Bordermarch...
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