[Bordermarch] Baroness

ragseg at aol.com ragseg at aol.com
Sun Oct 9 19:30:41 PDT 2011


Once again we find out that our baroness has suffered a debilitaing injury.  But how we ask.  At who's hand was this vicious blow struck?  Does nobody but me see that our Baron staggers through life barely able to keep from injuring himself but our Baroness suffers multiple injuries.

Is it just my observation that he is in fine health but he's' is constantly in question?  Who is willing to protect our Baroness from injury?  Call our Baron to account?  Intersting that Sir Simon is back to fighting from just when our Baroness suffers a grievious wound.  Was it by his hand that this happened?  Did the Baron unleash his hound of war on the unsuspecting Baroness?

Once again we are struck with a decision for the upcoming battle at melees....who will be our stand in Baroness?  It seems more often than not that we have the need for a Baroness stunt double.

Once again the sayer of truth
Adolf the Bear

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