[Bordermarch] Kingdom Donation

David Lathrop dblathrop at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 9 20:18:18 PST 2012

Populace of Bordermarch,
It has been decided by those that attended tonight's barony financial meeting along with the financial committee and the B&B that a donation will be sent to the Kingdom of Ansteorra to help with the recent lawsuit settlement. It was also decided that this will be a gift and not be reimbursed to the barony in the future. Please be reassured that we are not taking away from the budget for BAM or any office budgets but do feel Bordermarch has been blessed with the biggest event in Ansteorra so we can afford to support our kingdom as well. 
As always Santiago and I along with our Seneschal, Treasure and all officers thank you for your support as a barony and for each other.
May the dream live on!
Santiago and Elisabeth 

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