[Bordermarch] April Queens Championship

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 17 12:16:58 PST 2012

Ya'll are hillarious, thought the point in not running a Baronial event was to give the Barony a rest from hosting BAM.  And here you are, planning an event for Queens Championship.... LOL.   Go for it!

> > > From: Todd Reamey <radiorepublik at yahoo.com>
> > >To: Barony Bordermarch <bordermarch at lists.ansteorra.org>
> Sent: Monday, January 9, 2012 7:41 AM
> Subject: [Bordermarch] April Queens Championship
> Since we are no longer hosting our Baronial event,
> why don't we consider putting in a bid to host the April
> 2012 Queens Championship Tournament. 
> Nikolai

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