[Bordermarch] Fighter Practices

Rudy Templin rudyisfozzy at gmail.com
Mon Jul 9 14:31:20 PDT 2012

I would first like to thank all those that have been spending so much time
working on their game.
Your dedication will show when you go out on the road and face those you
don't regularly fight.

The issue that has need of address is one of the cancellation of practices,
at least the heavy fighter practices.
There has been some confusion over the last few weeks over, "Is there
practice or was it cancelled?".
After conversing with Beau we came to a policy of how we will hopefully
will proceed.
As many of you know Beau is afloat every other week, and I have to work
some Sundays as well.
On the Sundays that Beau is not afloat he will be the one to "officially"
call off any heavy practices for things such as weather.
As for Sundays that I will have to work I will be there, if I'll be late I
will get the word out prior to Sunday.
I will be at the field EVERY Sunday at or about 3pm rain, shine, snow,
locust... if the weather, or the locust clears I'm there to fight.
As a side note my rapier stuff is in the van all the time as well so, while
I'm not a Rapier marshall I'm still there to practice if you decide to show

I hope this clarifies things for the future and if there is any further
action Beau or I will post it and do our best to get the word out otherwise.

In service to you,

PS, My phone is not the best when it comes to texting so if you need me you
need to CALL 6179708

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