[Bordermarch] Tiny Tourney 2012

Christopher Birtciel c.birtciel at gmail.com
Thu Jul 12 17:20:29 PDT 2012


        The summer days are just flying along, and soon it will be August,
and many noble persons will be traveling to far flung lands to fight in the
mighty battles at the Pennsic War.  For the rest of us, Bordermarch will be
hosting Tiny Tourney 2012 on August 5th at Roger's park here in Beaumont.
 I would like to get a couple of volunteers for classes, and would like to
have lots of A&S projects on display, in addition to chivalric and rapier
lists.  Please post any and all ideas and questions regarding this demo to
the list, and thanks to you in advance for making this as great as I know
it will be!

Thomas Peregrine
mka Christopher Birtciel

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