[Bordermarch] July Populace Minutes

David Lathrop dblathrop at yahoo.com
Sun Jul 29 16:10:29 PDT 2012

Populace Meeting
July 26, 2012
Open at 7:15 pm & welcome:  L. John introduced two newcomer’s, m’l Sandy
and her son m’l Chris
Thank you to L. Jillian for bringing
homemade brownies fresh from the oven
Thank you L. Slovecze for gifting
the barony with two new drums. M’l Virgil will care for them.
HE Santiago shared his antique screw
thread box and told a little about it.
L. Raven informed us that L. Aldrich
(Troy) is doing very well and back at work. Vivat !
HE C. M. Tessa shared that L.
George does indeed have CA and it has spread to his lymph nodes. He will be
undergoing treatment locally and possibly be sent to MD Anderson if not
responding to chemo.  PRAYERS needed for
L. Kathleen and m’l Victor his wife and young son.
Old News:  Clay Pinch
Pots are still being made at HE Theresa’s Monday nights starting at 5 pm.                                                 Anyone’s  invited. 
New News: 
Roundtable attended by 8 Bordermarchers. Many took classes and are now
L. Jillian took Seneschl class, L.
Thomas & m’l Mary took Treasure, HE C S Simonn took the marshalling class,
HE Santiago took chroniclers class, HE C M Tessa took hospitaler class, m’l
William took a class??, HE Elisabeth presented the B&B suggestions from the
retreat to the Crown during the landed lunch.
Bordermarch in good standing.
Greywood has dissolved and Bordermarch was given all the land and zip codes. We
now extend north to Lufkin. 
Reminder of “Movie Night” starting
at 5 pm for pot luck dinner at Their Excellencies this Sat 7/28.  Movie from 7-9 pm.  “King Henry V” will be presented.
Sunday’s FP to include drumming and arts.
Tourney planned for Sunday August 5th Stewarded by L. Thomas Details
to follow on list
                Still accepting
letters of intent to autocrat 12th Night 2013 and Baronial 2013 send
to B&B
Steward Dona Leah’s next event meeting Fri August 10 during Scribal Guild 6:30
Officer Reports:
Seneschal- OK                   Treasure-m’l Mary new deputy,
books OK 
Hospitaler-OK, Trumpeter due to
Kingdom by 1st of each month, submit articles please               
MOC-open          N
Marshal-L. Rottross deputy, OK                            
R Marshal-OK    Chronicler-OK   A&S-HE
Theresa new deputy, OK lots of activity               
 Scribal-OK, guilds continue every other Fri at
the Art Studio on Franklin                                              
Who Am I……presented by HE Theresa 
Door Prize: Three metal candlesticks won by L. Biau who was
on his way to Steppes Artisan and would use them in his display
Closed meeting at 8:45pm

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