[Bordermarch] A&S Day gathering
Lathrop, Dave
David.Lathrop at valero.com
Mon Jun 18 09:54:03 PDT 2012
Greetings unto Bordermarch and anyone else
The following is my take on the A&S day, and I would like to see others post to this list about what they got out of the gathering.
Any praises and glorifications you might wish to bestow on me personally for just being present during the day will have to wait until later.
Thank you in advance.
Another really great Bordermarch A&S Day has now come and gone, and I for one had a stupendous time!
We had about 50 folks attending, and some high quality classes were taught by the most brilliant and intelligent members we have in Bordermarch.
Those of us with smaller than normal brains could only stand in awe as the teachers taught us things!
Lord Nikolai Vladislav, who is rumored to be the exiled Faolin Shaw, Prince of Stonetoad, taught a beginners class in the fine art of 'Stained Glass' work; Some most Excellent teachage!!!
HE Amber Lea taught everyone the ins and out of 'Courtly Graces' in her 'Courtly Graces' class. Her class should be a required refresher course for everyone-every year.
HE Elisabeth along with Lady Jillian gave a demonstration on how to make loquat jelly. I still do not know what a loquat is, but the jelly tasted fantastic!
HE Elisabeth also removed all the buttons from the spandex leotards I wear when the band an I have a gig; she made the A&S Day site tokens from them! I did not even get a site token, and my spandex leotards were really loose during the wedding I had to play at that very same evening!
HE Therese' brought some of her most precious herbs and showed some very interested folks how to transform them into herb beads. Since the middle age folks were not fond of bathing, I suspect these herb beads were used to disguise that natural bouquet one acquires when one does not bath for several months. I tried to talk several of the new-comers into eating one of the herb-ball-things, but no one wanted to eat something that smell to high heaven like a petula candle.
I was going to demonstrate some blacksmithing techniques, but instead, pawned that duty off onto Lord Ricciardo Leonzo de Nicolosi. He worked the forge all day and hooked several members on hammering hot metal for kicks!
Because of having to swing the heavy hammer all day in the heat, Lord Ricciardo will sporting for at least the next six days what blacksmith call a "Popeye Arm".
Thank God it was Lady Biance who taught the Middle Eastern Dancing class and not Lord Jeffrey the Barbarian! Make no mistake! Lord Jeffrey can certainly dance, but sometimes it's hard to tell if he's dancing or having an allergic reaction to his skin.
Lord Wolfrin brought plenty of Dumeks, Dimbecks, Dombocks, and many other kinds of drums to spice up the dancing. Lady Paddy-Wack got herself a brand new Dumbeck and used it as a stool during the drumming.
Lady Selina of the Wood taught a class that involved yarn and a wooden thing, a Lucet? I did not attend the class, but I'm thinking it has something to do with making bull-whips.
(This is just for Lady Selina, Oh most wispy Lady Selina of the Woods, please correct me if I am mistaken about the bull-whips.)
The A&S gathering started at around 9:00am. HE Armand and his beautiful Lady HE Caitrin made a very fashionable entrance at 3:00pm! According to HE Elisabeth, they got away with it because of the "HE" before their names.
Lord Isaac taught the Rapier fighters how to avoid getting hit like a piñata during a fight.
Lord Biau seemed engrossed all day fooling around with a goatskin parchment he made from some goatskin of all things. He gleaned all of HE Elisabeth's boiled eggshells from the garbage disposal and conned his Lady Karen into helping him peel the inner membrane from the little broken pieces. He will use the processed egg shells to neutralize the twelve gallons of oak-gall ink he recently made.
HE Elisabeth and I sincerely wish to thank all our dear friends for participating in the Bordermarch A&S Day gathering, and don't forget about those praises and glorifications!
As I stated earlier, I had to play with our band for a wedding that evening and did not get home until around 1:30-2:00pm. Upon approaching the front door to the manse I heard what sounded like a short discussion and then a loud chortle! I rushed through the door expecting foul play, but only found found HE Elisabeth and several of our A&S Day folks still up discussing the joyful happening during the day;
I said."Hi", and then went to bed!
HE Santiago
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