[Bordermarch] Next Saturday May 19 @ the armory

Rudy Templin rudyisfozzy at gmail.com
Wed May 9 13:54:37 PDT 2012

I would like to thank Lord Attli for his idea.  So, with no further delay:

In thanks to Simon for letting us: mess up his shop, use up his rivets, tax
his vast patience and most importantly keeping the A/C on in the summer
there will be a mass cleaning and organizational "party" starting at 7:30
am Saturday the 19th.
With the increase in our new fighters numbers it's been getting a little
crowded in some corners so the goal is to open up some work space and make
finding things a bit easier. This will include a few new shelving and tool
stands as well as some more storage bins.

For those that have used the armory in the past we will be gathering up the
odds and ends and going thru them when Simon returns.  Our purpose is to
either get them back to the proper owner, or if you desire to donate them,
clean repair and add to Bordermarch loaner gear.

We have at least 6 new fighters to equip so any donations to the cause are
well appreciated.

With my thanks for your future acts

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