[Bordermarch] Demo Set up and event this weekend

David Lathrop dblathrop at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 1 17:48:52 PDT 2012

A reminder that tomorrow night we are meeting at Adventure Kingdom in Lumberton, 6 pm to set up tents for the demo for Saturday and Sunday. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated. We are planning to head to "Catfish Cabin"(not Kitchen) on HWY 69 (at the Lumberton Kountze cut through) after we finish setting up and would love folks to join us. 
Saturday the demo starts at 10 and ends at 6 pm. You can come through to help anytime. Just an hour or two would again be greatly appreciated. Sunday is 12 noon to 6 pm then tear down. 
Come garbed and ready to meet and great. This is our opportunity to do a membership drive.
Thanks one and all in advance from the bottom of our hearts.
Santiago & Elisabeth
There is a fee to participate in the festival if you so wish. Just coming to help w demo is free.

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