[Bordermarch] Last Reminder...

Jillian Birtciel saintesun at gmail.com
Mon Nov 12 07:21:21 PST 2012

As we all gather, pack & plan for the upcoming festivities, I'd like to
send out one more brief reminder about our gift baskets for Their
Majesties, Ansteorra & Gleann Abhann, and the Children of Gleann Abhann

If you have committed something to any basket and not yet delivered it to
me, I will be up on site by Thursday with all the supplies and goodies so
far collected.  We are camping with the Barony, so anyone in the first
campsite should be able to direct you to a safe place for your

If you haven't yet thought of or found something you think appropriate,
take a look around while you're packing.  Is there anything in your SCA
storage that you haven't used in more than a year?  Something pretty and
small that you just love, but don't have a use for?  Something you were
given, and appreciate, but perhaps could benefit a small person or first
time eventer that you would like to see passed on?

To HE Theresa, are the sets of children's feast gear ready to give?  I'm
trying to gauge the size of the basket I'll need and your goods are
beautiful & delicate, I don't want them squished in too tightly.

Lord Phocas, might you have any honey to gift TRMs?  Let me know if you do,
if you'll need small bottles or anything else.

Again, I'll be on site Thursday, but you may contact me through email, FB
or my cell (409) 926-2367 between now and then.

Let's really show off the talent, kindness, and generosity of this Barony!

Yours in Service,

~Jillian Saint Andre, OSTB
 *Beauty, strength, youth, are flowers but fading seen;* *Duty, faith,
love, are roots, and ever green.*

GEORGE PEELE, *Polyhymnia*

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